Tepper School Course List
Explore masters and Ph.D. course options using the filters below. To learn more about Tepper undergraduate courses, visit the CMU Course Catalog.
Undergraduate Business Administration Courses Undergraduate Economics Courses
Masters and Ph.D. Courses
Filter courses by number, name, Semesters, Required/Elective, Degree, Concentrations
45700 Financial and Managerial Accounting I
This course is the first of two required accounting courses, designed to provide MBA students with a solid foundation in accounting. The course introduces students to (1) corporate financial statements and (2) basic cost concepts and their uses. By the end of the course,…
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45701 Financial and Managerial Accounting II
The objective of this course is to provide the student with the ability to use accounting information to make longer-term planning and control decisions. In this second course in accounting, we focus mainly on performance evaluation, taking into account the measurement and…
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45710 Managerial Economics
This course presents the basic concepts of microeconomics theory with an emphasis on business applications. The approach of microeconomics is to solve an economic problem by modeling it as an optimization problem; the solution to the optimization problems then interpreted…
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45711 Global Economics
This class is designed to give you some insight into the enormous differences in economic environments faced by businesses around the world: how the environment in the United States differs from that in (say) France, China, or Mexico. We will view the world through the…
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45720 Finance I
Finance and financial markets are the mechanism that the economy uses to allocate resources across time and shape and share risks. Much of this activity takes place through corporations. The Finance I class will look at finance primarily through the lens of corporations…
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45730 Marketing Management
This course provides an introduction to the field of marketing and experience in analyzing situations that marketing managers encounter. The course emphasizes marketing principles, analysis and strategy. Topics include marketing management, buyer behavior, product policy,…
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45740 Managing People and Teams
Teams are increasingly used to innovate and implement in a variety of organizational settings. This course is designed to improve your effectiveness as a manager by introducing you to concepts for understanding individuals and teams in organizations. Students will be…
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45741 Managing Networks and Organizations
This course is designed to improve your effectiveness a manager by introducing you to social network concepts and tools as they apply to organizations. A central objective of the course is understanding organizational structure, behavior, dynamics, and environment. You…
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45745 Ethics and Leadership
This course is designed to enable students to understand how individuals may make mistakes in ethical decision-making, foster their ability to reason carefully and thoroughly about the ethical implications of managing organizations and people, and to help them more…
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45750 Probability and Statistics
This course introduces tools for decision making under uncertainty, ranging from the fundamentals of probability theory, decision theory and statistical models to simple software for data analysis. Topics include statistical independence, conditional probability, Bayes…
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45751 Optimization
This course covers fundamental optimization tools for quantitative analysis in the management sciences. The central topics of study are linear integer and nonlinear programming. Special emphasis is placed on linear programming particularly on modeling business applications…
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45752 Statistical Decision Making
The objective of this course is to help you learn to analyze data and use methods of statistical inference in making business decisions. This course focuses on application of fundamental concepts from Probability and Statistics to drawing inferences from data. Topics…
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45760 Operations Management
Operations management is unique and, to some degree, represents a paradox because it is concerned with one of the oldest and also the most newly engineered information driven activities. Production and logistics activities - such as Operations management is unique and, to…
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45770 Corporate Strategy
This course focuses on strategy as the search for rents among opportunities that are entrepreneurial, dynamic, and evolutionary. In this way this course presents "strategy as progress" as a complement to strategy as positioning. Here, the distinguishing feature of the…
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45790 Management Presentations
This is the first course in a three-course management communication core sequence designed to prepare you for the challenging demands of communicating strategically as leaders in formal business situations. The course educational objective: Develop sophisticated…
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45800 Corporate Financial Reporting
This course is designed to strengthen your ability to correctly interpret financial statements and their accompanying disclosures. The course is aimed at anyone whose career might involve working with accounting data and should be especially useful for those interested in…
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45801 Financial Statement Analysis
STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE FOR PASS/FAIL1. Course objectives: This course is about fundamental analysis using financial statements. We develop and apply tools to help us understand firm activities that generate shareholder value. We also study earnings…
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45803 Strategy, Performance Measurement and Corporate Governance
The course studies the role of managerial accounting systems in developing, communicating, and implementing an organization's strategy. Much of the course is focused on incentive issues throughout the organization, including the board of directors (corporate governance),…
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45805 Lean Entrepreneurship
Lean Entrepreneurship is one of two introductory entrepreneurship courses offered to Tepper School of Business students and to graduate students from other CMU schools and colleges, as places are available. [The other introductory course is Entrepreneurial Alternatives…
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45806 Entrepreneurial Alternatives
Entrepreneurial Alternatives will examine paths of entrepreneurship outside of high-growth, new venture creation. In particular, the course will focus on tactical elements of business acquisition and franchise purchase including target evaluation, financial analysis of…
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